Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 01-69".
Page 2. Papers 33 - 64 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
03-475 Alexander N. Gorban, Iliya V. Karlin
Uniqueness of thermodynamic projector and kinetic basis of molecular individualism (845K, pdf) Oct 26, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

06-178 Sergei B. Kuksin
Randomly forced nonlinear PDEs and statistical hydrodynamics in 2 space dimensions (1221K, post-script) Jun 8, 06
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

06-326 Igor Chueshov and Sergei Kuksin
On the random kick-forced 3D Navier-Stokes equations in a thin domain (495K, pdf) Nov 10, 06
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

09-201 Jakob Wachsmuth, Stefan Teufel
Effective Hamiltonians for Constrained Quantum Systems (806K, 596K, pdf) Nov 9, 09
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

10-35 Thierry Gallay, Yasunori Maekawa
Three-dimensional stability of Burgers vortices (428K, PDF) Feb 12, 10
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

10-70 A.C.D. van Enter, R. Fern\'andez, Fr.den Hollander and F.Redig
A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions (78K, latex) May 2, 10
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

10-200 Tepper L. Gill and Woodford W. Zachary
Feynman Operator Calculus: The Constructive Theory (196K, laTeX) Dec 20, 10
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12-131 Federico Bonetto, Nikolai Chernov, Alexey Korepanov, Joel Lebowitz
Speed Distribution of N Particles in the Thermostated Periodic Lorentz Gas with a Field. (458K, pdf) Oct 29, 12
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14-39 Tepper L. Gill, Daniel Williams and Woodford W. Zachary
Global solutions to the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations (83K, AMS-LaTeX) May 14, 14
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22-36 Messoud Efendiev, Vitali Vougalter
Solvability of some systems of non-Fredholm integro-differential equations with mixed diffusion (246K, pdf) Jul 18, 22
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92-43 Bricmont J., Kupiainen A., Lin G.
Renormalization Group and asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations (65K, LATEX) Mar 5, 92
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93-164 Gallavotti Giovanni
Twistless KAM tori, quasi flat homoclinic intersections, and other cancellations in the perturbation series of certain completely integrable hamiltonian systems. A review. (217K, TeX) Jun 6, 93
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93-211 Esposito R., Marra R., YAU H. T.
Diffusive limit of asymmetric simple exclusion (104K, Latex/documentstyle_article) Jul 30, 93
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

93-238 Pavel Bona
Selfconsistency and Objectification (24K, TeX) Oct 1, 93
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94-41 Simo, Carles
Averaging under Fast Quasiperiodic Forcing (615K, PostScript) Mar 2, 94
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94-300 Bona P.
On the Problem of Universality of Quantum Theory. (37K, TeX) Sep 28, 94
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95-151 Gallavotti, G., Gentile, G., Mastropietro, V.
Field theory and KAM tori (52K, TeX) Mar 20, 95
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95-322 Brenner A.
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-194 Gregory L. Eyink and Jack Xin
Existence and Uniqueness of $L^2$-Solutions at Zero-Diffusivity in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar (95K, LaTeX) May 15, 96
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96-679 Parreira J. R.
Phase Transitions in Hierarchical Models: The Role of Coupling Coefficients (14K, LaTeX) Dec 18, 96
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97-4 Rudnev M., Wiggins S.
Existence of exponentially small separatrix splitting and homoclinic connections between whiskered tori in weakly hyperbolic near-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Revised version. (305K, LaTeX) Jan 4, 97
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97-67 Bikker R.-P.
Semi-oriented bootstrap percolation in three dimensions (187K, Postscript) Feb 12, 97
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97-177 Jorba A., Villanueva J.
Numerical Computation of Normal Forms around some Periodic Orbits of the Restricted Three Body Problem (1366K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Apr 7, 97
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97-519 E. Carlen, R. Esposito, J. L. Lebowitz, R. Marra, A. Rokhlenko
Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria (67K, TeX) Sep 24, 97
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98-51 C. Chandre, M. Govin, H.R. Jauslin, H. Koch
Universality for the breakup of invariant tori in Hamiltonian flows (820K, REVTeX with embedded PS figures) Feb 6, 98
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98-153 Bambusi D.
Nekhoroshev theorem for small amplitude solutions in nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations (729K, PS) Mar 5, 98
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98-526 Andrea Carati, Luigi Galgani
Planck's Formula in Classical Mechanics (52K, plain Tex) Jul 22, 98
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99-271 Ulrich Mutze
Predicting Classical Motion Directly from the Action Principle II (977K, PDF) Jul 16, 99
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00-46 C. P. Dettmann, E. G. D. Cohen
Microscopic chaos and diffusion (411K, latex, uses revtex, epsfig) Jan 27, 00
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00-99 Jacques Rougemont
$\epsilon$-entropy estimates for driven parabolic equations (902K, Postscript) Mar 4, 00
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00-408 Michele V. Bartuccelli, Guido Gentile, Kyriakos V. Georgiou
On the dynamics of a vertically driven damped planar pendulum (4603K, Postscript) Oct 18, 00
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00-411 A. Jorba
Numerical computation of the normal behaviour of invariant curves of $n$-dimensional maps (500K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Oct 19, 00
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