Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 19-50".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
01-340 Yu. Karpeshina
System of Model Functions for the Two-Dimensional Periodic Magnetic Schr\"{o}dinger Operator. (946K, postscript) Sep 25, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-352 Rafael de la Llave, Nikola P. Petrov
Regularity of Conjugacies Between Critical Circle Maps: An Experimental Study (2572K, PS) Oct 4, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-469 Mikhail Menshikov, Dimitri Petritis
Random walks in random environment on trees and multiplicative chaos (98K, LaTeX) Dec 15, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-90 Paul Federbush
For the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet, Tao to the Proof of a Phase Transition (15K, LaTeX) Feb 27, 02
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02-272 Michael Blank
Ergodic properties of a simple deterministic traffic flow model re(al)visited (74K, LATeX 2e) Jun 19, 02
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02-379 G. D. Raikov
Spectral Asymptotics for the Perturbed 2D Pauli Operator with Almost Periodic Magnetic Fields. I. Non-Zero Mean Value of the Magnetic Field (235K, ps.gz) Sep 13, 02
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02-462 J.-M. combes, P. D. Hislop, F. Klopp
Local and Global Continuity of the Integrated Density of States (53K, LaTex 2e) Nov 14, 02
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02-471 David Damanik, Robert Sims, G\"unter Stolz
Localization for discrete one dimensional random word models (454K, Postscript) Nov 20, 02
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03-44 P. B\'alint, I. P. T\'oth
Correlation decay in certain soft billiards (414K, postscript) Feb 10, 03
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03-75 Paul Federbush
A Polymer Expansion for the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet Wave Function (8K, LaTeX) Feb 27, 03
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03-101 Ph. Briet, H. Hogreve
Two-centre Dirac-Coulomb operators: Regularity and bonding properties (394K, postscript) Mar 9, 03
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03-114 Paul Federbush
A Polymer Expansion for the Random Walk on the Permutation Group Associated to the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet (15K, LaTeX) Mar 13, 03
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03-117 M. Abadi, A. Galves
A correct version of Maurer's conjecture for $\psi$-mixing processes (72K, dvi) Mar 14, 03
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03-123 Paul Federbush
Single Site Spin Expectation for the Imaginary Time Heisenberg Ferromagnet Wave Function, Numerical Approximation and Theoretical Argument (12K, LaTeX) Mar 19, 03
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03-212 Alberto Berretti and Guido Gentile
Scaling of the Critical Function for the Standard Map: Some Numerical Results (495K, postscript) May 7, 03
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03-347 R.Adami, C.Bardos, F.Golse, A.Teta
Towards a rigorous derivation of the cubic NLSE in dimension one (52K, LATeX 2e) Jul 24, 03
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04-37 Francis COMETS, Nobuo YOSHIDA
Some new results on Brownian Directed Polymers in Random Environment (174K, ps.gz) Feb 13, 04
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04-198 O.A.Veliev
On the Polyharmonic Operator with a Periodic Potential (87K, LATeX 2e) Jun 23, 04
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04-204 O.A.Veliev
On the Polyharmonic Operator with a Periodic Potential (85K, LATeX 2e) Jun 29, 04
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04-423 Dirk Hundertmark, Rowan Killip, Shu Nakamura, Peter Stollmann, and Ivan Veselic'
Bounds on the spectral shift function and the density of states (370K, PDF ) Dec 22, 04
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05-91 Peter Kuchment, Yehuda Pinchover
Liouville theorems and spectral edge behavior on abelian coverings of compact manifolds (138K, LATEX) Mar 6, 05
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05-214 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and S. Alex Smith
Large-deviations/thermodynamic approach to percolation on the complete graph (29K, ZIP) Jun 14, 05
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05-292 Oleksiy Khorunzhiy, Werner Kirsch, Peter Mueller
Lifshits tails for spectra of Erdoes-Renyi random graphs (326K, pdf) Aug 26, 05
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06-225 Werner Kirsch, Bernd Metzger
The Integrated Density of States for Random Schr dinger Operators (563K, pdf) Aug 17, 06
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07-65 Helge Krueger and Gerald Teschl
Relative Oscillation Theory, Weighted Zeros of the Wronskian, and the Spectral Shift function (82K, LaTeX) Mar 20, 07
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07-78 R.A. Brownlee, A.N. Gorban, J. Levesley
Nonequilibrium entropy limiters in lattice Boltzmann methods (1514K, pdf) Mar 31, 07
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07-270 Laszlo Erdos, Benjamin Schlein, Horng-Tzer Yau
Semicircle law on short scales and delocalization of eigenvectors for Wigner random matrices (95K, LateX) Nov 12, 07
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