Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 03-507".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
96-234 Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.
Ergodic Properties of Classical Dissipative Systems I (294K, postscript) May 29, 96
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96-320 P. Exner, R. Gawlista, P. \v{S}eba, M. Tater
Point interactions in a strip (116K, LaTeX) Jul 2, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-357 Rothos V.M.
Study of a System of Coupled NLS Equations Under Periodic Boundary Conditions (30K, LaTeX) Aug 10, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-373 F. Gesztesy and B. Simon
Inverse Spectral Analysis with Partial Information on the Potential, I. The Case of an A.C. Component in the Spectrum (20K, amstex) Aug 19, 96
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96-391 Alain Joye, Charles-Edouard Pfister
Complex WKB Method for 3-Level Scattering Systems (88K, Latex) Aug 29, 96
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96-578 Gerald Teschl
Inverse scattering transform for the Toda hierarchy (19K, LaTeX2e) Nov 20, 96
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97-9 Gr\'ebert B., Guillot J.-C., Klopp F.
On the spectrum of odd order self adjoint ordinary differential operators on the real line with quasi-periodic coefficients (133K, Uuencoded gunzipped Postscript) Jan 8, 97
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97-428 Boutet de Monvel A., Georgescu V., Sahbani J.
Higher Order Estimates in the Conjugate Operator Theory (251K, LaTex 2e) Aug 4, 97
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97-585 V. Baladi, M. Degli Esposti, S. Isola,, E. Jarvenpaa, and A. Kupiainen
The spectrum of weakly coupled map lattices (482K, postscript) Nov 19, 97
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98-26 Th. Gallay (Paris XI) and A. Mielke (Hannover)
Diffusive Mixing of Stable States in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation (168K, Postscript (gzipped and uuencoded)) Jan 23, 98
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98-62 Vadim Kostrykin, Robert Schrader
Scattering theory approach to random Schroedinger operators in one dimension (278K, uuencoded Postscript) Feb 16, 98
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98-153 Bambusi D.
Nekhoroshev theorem for small amplitude solutions in nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations (729K, PS) Mar 5, 98
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98-159 Derrida B., Goldstein S., Lebowitz J.L., Speer E.
Shift Equivalence of Measures and the Intrinsic Structure of Shocks in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (261K, postscript) Mar 6, 98
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98-410 Barbaroux J.M., Tcheremchantsev S.
Universal Lower Bounds for Quantum Diffusion (78K, LATeX) Jun 2, 98
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98-417 Pushnitski, A. B.
Spectral shift function of the Schrodinger operator in the large coupling constant limit (80K, LATeX 2e) Jun 6, 98
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98-501 Soffer, A., Weinstein, M.I.
Resonances, Radiation Damping and Instability in Hamiltonian Nonlinear Wave Equations (543K, LATeX 2e) Jul 12, 98
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98-569 Veseli\'c, Ivan
Localisation for random perturbations of periodic Schr\"odinger operators with regular Floquet eigenvalues (314K, ps) Aug 21, 98
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99-48 Alexander Pushnitski
Estimates for the spectral shift function of the polyharmonic operator (50K, Latex 2e) Feb 12, 99
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99-52 A. Aslanyan, L. Parnovski, D. Vassiliev
Complex resonances in acoustic waveguides (259K, Gzipped postscript) Feb 15, 99
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99-90 Fritz Gesztesy and Konstantin A. Makarov
Some Applications of the Spectral Shift Operator (91K, LaTeX) Mar 30, 99
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99-153 Wally Axmann, Peter Kuchment, Math.Dept, Wichita State University; Leonid Kunyansky, Applied Math. Caltech
Asymptotic methods for thin high contrast 2D PBG materials (5386K, huge PS file) May 8, 99
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99-297 IFTIMOVICI Andrei, MANTOIU Marius
Limiting Absorption Principle at Critical Values for the Dirac Operator (239K, LaTeX 2e and PostScript) Aug 13, 99
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99-405 M. Christ, A. Kiselev, Y. Last
Approximate Eigenvectors and Spectral Theory (368K, Postscript) Oct 24, 99
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00-41 David Damanik, Rowan Killip, and Daniel Lenz
Uniform spectral properties of one-dimensional quasicrystals, III. $\alpha$-continuity (49K, LaTeX) Jan 24, 00
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00-43 Zied Ammari
Asymptotic completeness for a renormalized non-relativistic Hamiltonian in quantum field theory: the Nelson model. (749K, Postscript) Jan 26, 00
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00-96 Gheorghe Nenciu
On asymptotic perturbation theory for Quantum Mechanics: Almost invariant subspaces and gauge invariant magnetic perturbation theory (320K, Postscript) Mar 2, 00
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00-217 Dirk Hundertmark, Werner Kirsch
Spectral theory of sparse potentials (94K, LaTeX2e) May 9, 00
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00-221 Sergej A. Chorosavin ( )
A Nonlinear Approximation of Operator Equation $V^{*}QV=Q$ : Nonspectral Decomposition of Nonnormal Operator and Theory of Stability (38K, LaTeX 2.09, uuencoded) May 11, 00
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00-236 Mohamed S. ElBialy
Sub-Stable and Weak-Stable Manifolds Associated with Finitely Non-Resonant Spectral Subspaces For Maps of a Banach Space (192K, LaTeX 2e) May 19, 00
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00-248 Pavel Exner, David Krejcirik
Waveguides coupled through a semitransparent barrier: a Birman-Schwinger analysis (92K, LaTeX) May 30, 00
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