Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 00-36".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
01-428 Jecko Th.
Semiclassical resolvent estimates for Schr\"odinger matrix operators with eigenvalues crossing. (109K, LaTeX 2e) Nov 20, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-429 W. Chen
New RBF collocation schemes and their applications (89K, Acrobat PDF) Nov 20, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

01-433 Laszlo Erdos, Horng-Tzer Yau
Derivation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a Coulomb potential (80K, LaTeX) Nov 21, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-127 Ricardo Weder
The Time-Dependent Approach to Inverse scattering (66K, Latex) Mar 16, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-140 M. Melgaard and G. Rozenblum
Eigenvalue asymptotics for even-dimensional perturbed Dirac and Schr\"{o}dinger operators with constant magnetic fields (129K, LaTeX 2e) Mar 21, 02
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02-268 Denis Borisov, Pavel Exner, Rustem Gadyl'shin
Geometric coupling thresholds in a two-dimensional strip (56K, LaTeX) Jun 17, 02
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02-342 Bernd Binder
Berry's Phase and Fine Structure (45K, LATeX 2e) Aug 7, 02
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02-357 Jan Philip Solovej, Wolfgang L Spitzer
A new coherent states approach to semiclassics which gives Scott's correction (107K, latex) Aug 30, 02
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02-361 Bernd Binder
The Spacetime Memory of Geometric Phases and Quantum Computing (19K, LaTeX 2e) Sep 1, 02
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02-375 Francois Germinet, Abel Klein
Explicit finite volume criteria for localization in continuous random media and applications (509K, .ps) Sep 12, 02
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02-412 Jan Philip Solovej and Wolfgang L Spitzer
New coherent states and a new proof of the Scott correction (48K, AMS-LaTeX 1.2) Oct 2, 02
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02-421 P. Butta', A. De Masi, E. Rosatelli
Slow motion and metastability for a non local evolution equation (560K, PostScript file) Oct 13, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-427 Gonzalez-Mestres, L.
Deformed Lorentz Symmetry and High-Energy Astrophysics (III) (37K, LaTeX) Oct 17, 02
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02-495 Osamu Ogurisu
Generalized boundary conditions of a spin-1/2 particle for the Aharonov-Bohm effect combined with a homogeneous magnetic field (301K, Postscript) Nov 28, 02
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03-206 L. B. Borissova, D. D. Rabounski
Fields, vacuum, and the mirror Universe (1323K, PDF) May 1, 03
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03-237 Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg
The structure of the invariants of perfect Lie algebras (407K, Postscript) May 23, 03
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03-325 Francois Bentosela, Pierre Duclos, and Pavel Exner
Absolute continuity in periodic thin tubes and strongly coupled leaky wires (27K, LaTeX) Jul 14, 03
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03-397 Russell K. Jackson and Michael I. Weinstein
Geometric Analysis of Bifurcation and Symmetry Breaking in a Gross-Pitaevskii equation (438K, Postscript ) Sep 1, 03
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03-452 Claudio Fernandez, Georgi Raikov
On the Singularities of the Magnetic Spectral Shift Function at the Landau Levels (273K, Postscript) Oct 3, 03
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03-510 Virginie Bonnaillie
On the fundamental state energy for a Schr\"odinger operator with magnetic field in domains with corners (523K, Postscript) Nov 25, 03
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04-109 S. Boenisch and V. Heuveline and P. Wittwer
Second order adaptive boundary conditions for exterior flow problems: non-symmetric stationary flows in two dimensions (825K, pdf) Apr 14, 04
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04-333 Alexander Elgart, Laszlo Erdos, Benjamin Schlein, Horng-Tzer Yau
Gross-Pitaevskii Equation as the Mean Field Limit of Weakly Coupled Bosons (60K, LateX ) Oct 25, 04
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05-30 P. Balint and I. P. Toth
Hyperbolicity in multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with applications to soft billiards (328K, pdf) Jan 21, 05
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05-61 R de la Madrid
The role of the rigged Hilbert space in Quantum Mechanics (175K, Latex, tar, zip) Feb 10, 05
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05-63 George A. Hagedorn, Julio H. Toloza
Exponentially Accurate Quasimodes for the Time--Independent Born--Oppenheimer Approximation on a One--Dimensional Molecular System (67K, LaTeX 2e) Feb 10, 05
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05-71 Vieri Mastropietro
Rigorous proof of Luttinger liquid behavior in the 1d Hubbard model (508K, postscript) Feb 17, 05
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05-282 Philippe Briet, Georgi Raikov
The integrated density of states in strong magnetic fields (397K, Postscript) Aug 21, 05
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05-401 Valerio Lucarini, Antonio Speranza, Renato Vitolo
Physical and Mathematical Properties of a Quasi-Geostrophic Model of Intermediate Complexity of the Mid-Latitudes Atmospheric Circulation (5570K, PDF) Nov 24, 05
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